Thank you, I really enjoyed this.
I do wish to employ creativity to keep my advocacy feeling fresh. At the same time, there is something to be said about just embracing the repetition necessary. I loved your takeaway from the New Atheist movement and the lesson from the world of marketing.
Something I'd like your perspective on is whether our focus should be on creating/retaining vegans, or on creating/retaining humans who passionately believe in and support a vegan future. (Or something else.) I’ll explain my perspective.
Lately, I feel more ease in convincing humans to believe in the necessity of a vegan future—without the pressure of feeling like they have to individually go vegan right now in order to be involved. I want to help humans see how they can be vegan-positive, question their human privileges, adopt a more animal-affirming worldview, speak respectfully about animals, support pro-animal policies, look at dead animal flesh and think, “How much longer is this going to go on for?”, celebrate the unfolding animal rights history, and things like that. I want to help them think like a vegan and think futuristically. I want to help humans imagine that someday, our species will look back on the exploitation of other animals with disgust.
It seems like if I can help humans do this, there’s a good chance they’ll go vegan anyway. But I want to avoid conveying the impression that you can't really support animal rights unless you 100% eschew animal products already. This was how I used to think. I think it's what a lot of non-vegans assume, too, and it holds them back from recognizing the truth.
I feel like we could be tapping into a larger chunk of the human population that truly would be open to getting behind a vegan world—even if they're not as deeply moved as you and I are, even if they're more motivated by social pressure than you and I are and are not as willing to individually change until it feels like everyone around them is changing. By engaging this larger population of pro-vegan non-vegans, I think our movement could have an easier time achieving systemic change steps towards a vegan world.
I apologize because I’m tired and don’t feel like I’m doing a satisfactory job of explaining my perspective, but a lot of it emerged from the Pax Fauna study on narrative that came out a few years ago. You might be interested in looking them up.
At the same time, I do feel like I need to convey passion, pride, and joy about individually going vegan, too. Maybe there is some middle ground I need to find.