Incredible article. I was surprised this wasn't in the Washington Post or something. Thank you for helping me better understand the problem of pedophilia! I was unaware that porn could be such a gateway for otherwise non-pedophilic individuals to become so. Yes, what you reported about the actual rape videos on Pornhub and the even worse Darkweb content is extremely disturbing.
I resonated a billion percent with your paragraph where you said, "I am not trying to excuse pedophiles... But understanding the neurological mechanisms that lead to such crimes is important so that we can work on avoiding them."
I myself have been wanting to write a research article on preventing pedophilia, but wasn't sure if I could even publish it on Medium. You have added to my knowledge today, and emboldened me to try and write something that could make some small impact in tackling this terrible issue. Thank you for making a difference. I am very grateful to you, Stark Raving.